Ying and Yang
You know, I don't know. I mean who really even knows? Life is a wonder to me. It's a stretch to my mind how the world turns. I obviously don't mean scientifically, more theologically. The principles and flow of life. The ever evolving, changing and growing that occurs in life.
The Ying and yang.
For every negative in life a positive happens. Or maybe the "negative" was actually a positive, just gift wrapped differently than you've grown accustomed? Yet to be opened. Explored. Known. Loved. Individualistic, of course.
Izzy's diagnosis of Down Syndrome was gifted and wrapped in coping pamphlets and topped with "options" for added flare. Such a glorious and beautiful gift, wrapped so horribly. At the time, it was practically guarantees of failures. To be honest, I've always loved the underdog. I've always BEEN the underdog. The guy that had to scratch, claw, bite and fight to get there, nevertheless, always arriving. The underdog is a beautiful place to be, in fact, my favorite place to be. When all odds and favors are stacked against you and everyone says, "You can't". IT FUELS ME! IT FEEDS ME IN WAYS YOU COULDN'T BEGIN TO FATHOM.
It's fitting that our family was blessed with having Izzy. God knew we were strong enough, that we could handle the curve balls together and move forward in unison knowing that everything is going to be OK. After all, it's life. Y'know, Ying and yang.
Because of Izzy and us seeing all of the significant positives we wanted to show the world all of the "hidden beauty". Grabbing a camera and teaming up with some killer friends just made sense!
Long story short, I'm glad you're here to accompany us down the road to possibilities, capabilities, and sheer beauty. Ought to be a fun ride. Buckle up!
I hope you know that you are worthy and capable of every single thing you set your sights on. The only thing ever standing in our way between us and our goals are ourselves. You truly do amaze me at your tenacity and caring heart. I recently was just telling your mama, "I want to be better so badly, I just don't know what that looks like". Maybe I can't see the forest because of the trees. Blurred and obscured visions can be misleading in our times of darkness. You've managed to bring light into our lives. Painting everything in our lives with fully saturated colors. A life so perfectly and beautifully painted by an artist no one ever thought about and if they did, a name left out of the credits. Thanks for you being you girlfriend mama. You genuinely do make the world a brighter and happier place just by being you. One day, it'll take a very special hand for me to pass yours off to. I'll cherish, respect, and admire your decision when that time comes. Until my last tomorrow and then for the forever that follows...