
When are you a professional? Like when does it actually start? The federal and state documents? Insurance? Business cards and a slick T-shirt with your name on it? I really don’t know when it is that you’re considered a professional, kiddos. To be honest, who even cares, ya know? Wait wait wait… before you get to hasty with me. What I mean is that I have been told “Nobody wants to see your photos or your work.” while I’ve also been told “your photoshoot changed my daughter’s perception of herself.”  Life will beat you up and it will boost you the same.

In the Marine Corps, you would often hear someone jokingly say “Oh, we must’ve made it huh?”. It always made me chuckle in a strange way, likely because of the appreciation I have behind the snarky remark. The sentiment, at least to me, was always about remaining humble while in the acts of service. While it could also be used in the worst of meanings, I tried my hardest to see the positive in that saying.

If chasing a title was never the goal then, YES, you’ve already made it. Being content and happy within yourself is a success many chase for a lifetime. Seeking self improvement whilst being grateful with where you are currently in life is the true meaning of appreciation. You are currently standing in the prayer that you once sent long before. It’s merely the realization of it, that will help mold yourself into who I know you to be. Watching you two grow and become who you are is the greatest, most scariest, wildest, most awesome ride of my life. It’s amazing watching as you appreciate each day and one another.

I appreciate both of you and love you more than you’ll truly ever know.

Your biggest fan,



The path of least resistance


When life gives you lemons, make grape juice!